Over thirty years ago I wrote an article for PSYCHIC WORLD on Coral Castle, a unique castle structure located in Homestead off US 1.  There were lots of unexplained questions about this unique structure back then and none of them have been answered by engineers and scholars even today.



What makes Coral Castle so weird is it was built by one 130-pound man with no machinery or equipment except a mule.  Coral blocks, larger than the blocks of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, were pulled from the ground and transported to this site (not once but twice).  One ton rocks were turned into doors that can be swung by a small child.



Coral Castle combines astrology and psychics and ancient construction secrets, all motivated by a heart-broken immigrant whose bride-to-be jilted him at the altar.  EDWARD LEEDSKALTON left Latvia after his failed wedding and after drifting around the land came to the Florida wilderness in 1910.



He was a private, lonely person, who started to build his masterpiece near Floral City, but when civilization crowded his project, he moved the entire plant ten miles away toward Homestead.  He worked until his death in 1951 and only told people he knew “the secret of the pyramids.”



For a person with a fourth grade education, he knew something to move 1,100 tons of coral rock from the earth into position to carve his works.  His crude house only shows assorted levers and pulleys and several water-moving devices.  There is only one Coral Castle in the USA.  Go to its website at